Home is Somewhere Else
Mi Casa Está en Otra Parte
September 13 / 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Blount Hall Auditorium at Santa Fe College (Downtown Campus)
Director: Carlos Hagerman, Jorge Villalobos
Runtime: 87 min
Genre: Adult Animated Documentary Film
Release Date: 2023
Countries of Origin: Mexico-EEUU
Language: Spanish with English Subtitles
Cast: José Eduardo Aguilar “El Deportee”
This 2D feature “animentary” features three personal stories about immigrant youth to highlight the complexities and challenges they face today. Voiced by the actual children and their families, the stories are woven together by spoken word poet Lalo “El Deportee”, the film’s host and MC whose vibrant “Spanglish” breaks codes, switches standards, and pushes the viewer to decipher his poems.
Each story has its own unique visual animation style drawn by three different teams. The animation allows us to truly see and feel these characters’ worst nightmares, alongside their colorful hopes and dreams for a better future.